The viewers always associate Eldho, a differently abled actor with comic scenes or characters in the movies. Surpassing all his disabilities and shortcomings, Eldho Kuriakose, a student of Different Art Centre led by Sri Gopinath Muthukad, will now be seen in a 21 minutes long short film. The short film is titled "Eldo" and was launched by the Film Producer and the Chairman of Gokulam Group, Mr. Gokulam Gopalan at the Different Art Centre. During the event, Mr. Gokulam Gopalan appreciated the efforts of Sri Gopinath Muthukad who is working closely with the differently abled students and encouraging them to pursue their interests.
The students of Different Art Centre honoured the esteemed guests by singing the well known song "aadhi ushashu sandhya evide.. " which enthralled all present during the event. Film Director Prajesh Zen presided over the event where Paul Kurakkapally was the chief guest. Sri Gopinath Muthukad welcomed the estmeed guests which included the short film actors Eldo Kuriakose,Tony, Swapna Pillai, Nidha Radha, Maya, Murali Kodungallur, Ouseapachan along with many others. Short film director, Joby Kodakkara was thanked humbly by the mother of Eldho Kuriakose, Sini Kuriakose. The 21 minutes long short film was presented during the event which dealt with the society's take towards the differently abled students.
Eldho has been with Different art centre since year 2019 where he has been presenting his performances in dance, mimicry and drama. He is suffering from down syndrome which has not slowed down his love of arts.