Trivandrum : Dr R Anandakumar IAS, Secretary, Disability Welfare, Tamil Nadu, said steps will be taken to implement the different art centre model in Tamil Nadu where differently-abled children are trained in various arts, including magic, and not only create differences in their mental and intellectual levels but also create a source of income for them and develop them along with others in the society. Dr R Anandakumar IAS, Secretary, Disability Welfare, Tamil Nadu was in Thiruvananthapuram to study about the Different Art Centre under the leadership of Gopinath Muthukad for the holistic development of differently-abled children.
He was amazed by the centre and its facilities where not only the differently-abled but also their families are protected. He exclaimed that there is no other place where humanity and humanity meet. He added that experts from the disability sector under the government will be assigned to study more about the centre. Subrahmanya Bharathi's poem 'Nenee Sara Natainthein', which he sang as a dedication to the Different Art Centre, was received with great applause by the audience.
Dr. R. Anandakumar, Executive Director, Different Art Centre, was felicitated by Gopinath Muthukad, Executive Director, Different Art Centre. Gopinath Muthukad had earlier held discussions with Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M K Stalin on the radical changes brought about by various art trainings in differently-abled children using magic as the main medium of instruction. The secretary's visit was as per the special instructions of the chief minister. He reached the centre yesterday afternoon and personally saw the art training, vocational trainings, therapy departments, research centre and entrepreneurial units for mothers. The continuous training at the centre also handed over a report attested by kerala government agencies like CDC and ICONS on the changes in the children.