In a heartwarming gesture, Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan extended his congratulations to Vishnu, a young talent with cerebral palsy, who is all set to travel to Japan to take part in the International Open Research Conference. Vishnu's journey is a source of pride for the differently-abled community. The Chief Minister wished him the very best and presented a gift as a token of his well wishes.
The event took place at the Chief Minister's office and was attended by Gopinath Muthukad, Executive Director, Different Art Centre, Deepa (Vishnu's mother), and Bharatharajan, the Creative Head. Vishnu, accompanied by Gopinath Muthukad, is scheduled to depart on November 7 for the conference, which is organized by Sophia University, Japan.
Sophia University invited Vishnu, who serves as the brand ambassador for the State Government's "Anuyathra" project under the Social Justice Department, and showcases his magical talents in the "Empower" section of the Different Art Centre. The aim is to provide an opportunity for experts to gain insights into the changes in Vishnu's intellectual, mental, and physical condition.
During the conference, Vishnu will perform magic in front of university professors and disability experts, including Prof. Akira Otsuka, Toshiya Kakiuchi, Yoshikazu Hirasawa, Toda Mikako, and other panelists. Meanwhile, Gopinath Muthukad will explain the transformation of differently-abled children at the Different Art Centre, focusing on the sensory-based special teaching approach, in the presence of Vishnu.
It is worth noting that Vishnu's remarkable performance last July caught the attention of a visiting Japanese group during an international conference at the Different Art Centre. This performance was the catalyst for his invitation to the upcoming conference, where he will have the opportunity to showcase his talents to experts from around the world.